Create Database
Open MongoDB Shell
- Open the MongoDB Shell from Linux shell
# mongosh
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6117225c105379b62b6abaa9
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 5.0.2
Using Mongosh: 1.0.5
For mongosh info see:
Create New Database
- Create new database from MongoDB shell
- Show Current Database
- Show Database Settings
To create a new Database run the "use db_name" command. This will create a new database if it doesn't exist.
# use employee
switched to db employee
employee> db
employee> show databases
admin 41 kB
config 73.7 kB
local 41 kB
employee> db.stats()
db: 'employee',
collections: 1,
views: 0,
objects: 3,
avgObjSize: 68.66666666666667,
dataSize: 206,
storageSize: 36864,
freeStorageSize: 16384,
indexes: 1,
indexSize: 36864,
indexFreeStorageSize: 16384,
totalSize: 73728,
totalFreeStorageSize: 32768,
scaleFactor: 1,
fsUsedSize: 4024381440,
fsTotalSize: 8575254528,
ok: 1